CallTech: see The Root of All Evil

CallTech is now actually a chain of call centers. They are based out of Columbus, Ohio and have centers in Albany, Georgia, Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and Fort Myers, Flordia. Basically how it works is this: You run some kind of company that needs to be able to have customers call in for some reason. Could be they need to place orders from a catalog, could be that they need technical support, whatever. But the deal is it takes a lot of money to set up your own callcenter. You've got to buy all kinds of phone equipment, computer, train personnel, etc. Basically a gigantic pain in the ass. So what CallTech and other places like Client Logic do is take this job off the customer's hands. You pay CallTech some ungodly huge fee, and they'll handle all of your shits for you.

CallTech is known far and wide as the bottom of the callcenter industry. The employees of CallTech are known to be the dregs of society, but that can be good because there's always someone around who is crazier than you.

Back in the good old days CallTech was known for it's drug scene. In fact people who didn't even work there would drive in to the parking lot for the sole purpose of scoring some dope.