Future advances in genetic engineering may enable the creation of a new infinitely useful animal: the laundry gibbon. The laundry gibbon will be more than a pet, it will be a proactive laundry processing entity. There are a number of reasons why research into the creation of laundry gibbons is wise:

  1. Gibbons are brutally cute - especially running with arms high in the air. Perhaps laundry gibbons could be trained to be cute on command.
  2. Gibbons long arms are ideally suited to carrying laundry.
  3. Gibbons can reach a clothes line - for clothes which are too delicate for machine drying.
  4. Gibbons do not throw feces. At least they haven't thrown it at me.
Only four skills need to be taught to these enhanced gibbons:

  1. Collecting and sorting laundry is a requirement.
  2. Operating the washing machine/dryer buttons is also necessary. Perhaps through the use buttons simplified for small primates.
  3. Using a flush toilet is much better than throwing feces.
  4. Occasional gibbon self washing in the clothes washer would be ideal. Of course the gibbon would need some delayed start wash button and a very gentle wash cycle.