In BAsCET's frame (and in ECTOR's too), a concept is a set of nodes in the Concept Network, strongly bound together and simultaneously activated. Thus, when nodes named network, neural, Widrow, Kohonen, and Hoff are in a Concept Network, one can assume that they constitute one concept, different from that constituted by Markov, hidden, though the network node could belong to the hidden Markov network concept.

                   ###########                  ######
                  ## Kohonen ###                ######  Neural Network Node
@@@@@@@@@@  ############|################       ######
@ Markov------network ##|####### Widrow ###
 @@|@@@@@@   ##|###\####|#######/######\#####   @@@@@@
@@@|@@@@@@@@@@@|@@##\###|##/---+ ##### Hoff #   @@@@@@  Markov Network node
@ HMM-------hidden # neural-----------/#####    @@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #######################
                                                ------  Links

This is true, only if the Concept Network was designed in order to associate conceptually near symbols.

As shown in the figure, a Concept Network is a net made of nodes and weighted links between them. It can be wholly connected.