Born Raffaello Sanzio in 1483, died in 1520. The Italian High Renaissance painter and architect known as Raphael is best known for his Madonnas and for his large figure compositions in the Vatican in Rome. He was a contemporary of Leonardo and Michaelangelo. His best known works include "Sistine Madonna", "School of Athens", "St. George Fighting the Dragon" and his Vatican murals.

He was born in the small town of Urbino, an artistic centre, and received his earliest training from his father. At the age of seventeen, he was sent by his father to study painting from Pietro Perugino for four years. In 1504 he moved on to Florence to continue his self-training by studying the works of the established Renaissance greats, and by 1508 Pope Julius II commissioned him to create several frescoes in a suite of rooms in the Vatical Palace. By 1514 he was made chief architect of Saint Peter's Basilica by Leo X, Julius II's successor, and his place in history was secure.