Where did everything go? Where are the happy times, the smiles, the laughter, the pain or misery? Those days -- long gone, in a time that seems so long ago it's hard to remember.

Memories -- more like an impression of how the past may have happened. Memories make me wonder how much of my life is flying by without me realizing it. I am aware of the present moment, and each passing moment yields new memories. But it's hard to say that memories that you've made are those of actual events. The natural connection between moments in which you recognize as being real and the memories associated with them is not even considered by many. This connection is, by its nature, a pure inductive argument:

"I am aware of the moment in which I live,” and

"Memories are documentations of individual moments,” Therefore,

"Memories are citations individual moments in which I’ve lived”

We can feel, see, hear, and rationalize at this very moment – even while you look at the monitor you are reading. Hold a thought for one second -- make a new memory about the thought you are having. Hold it close.


Perhaps memories are the collective documentation of all of the moments in which we’ve lived, or maybe these mental images have a darker self-destructive nature. Come back to that thought that you made a new memory of just a few seconds ago. Did it really happen? Or was it just an impression painted in your brain? We cannot be conscious of actions in the past and present concurrently; we can only experience four-dimensionality from a limited point of view. Everyone reasons subconsciously, "Since I made the memory, and the memory was of my rational thought, and I am carrying out rational thought as I read this, then those memories must have actually occurred." This may very well not be the case thought -- this moment exists, yes, but only because we are observing an instantaneous moment of time-space. Therefore, we must conclude that the memories we make, the thoughts we think we had, must all be inconclusively non-fallacious. The reliability of our memories is left up to possibility that our consciousness and relative sense of sanity can be questioned.

Most take the idea of our memories being true for granted -- it's crazy to think that the remnants of past events are fabricated. But how many times have you fought tooth and nail over something that happened in the past because someone else remembers it just a little bit differently, or didn't remember that event occurring at all? Is it possible that we invent memories subconsciously to help us ease our pain? Acknowledging the invalidity of our memories would, in effect, void our entire existence. Some might think that it would disable us to acknowledge the present -- supposing we deny the past.

It is, simply stated, a psychotic mental dilemma. Trust in existence and awareness. Live a happy life knowing that what you know is real. If anything, these thought might enable some to not take their memories for granted; realize that our memories are not fact, but conceivably more closely related to a simple figment of our imagination. It might order some to take reality with a grain of salt. After all,

"Memories aren't reliable. That's why the police do not trust eye-witnessess. They go on the facts. Memories can be blured, can change the color of a car or the shape of a room."
