Pro-anorexia websites are full of contradictions. Most of these sites that I have seen contain thousands of members who glorify disordered eating in hopes of losing weight fast and easy. However, there are always the truly sick ones who stumble in, looking for a hand to stroke their thinning hair and congratulate the destruction they have caused to their bodies. Words of encouragement towards certain death, spoken by those who see supermodels as goddesses of purity and perfection.

I'll have three cottonballs for lunch, please. No, that one has too many calories. I'm full. I'm fat. You are too.

Although pro-anorexia sites are more talk than walk, they cause serious damage to body image and encourage women to be what they eat. Sharing tips of how to puke after eating a carrot is not a worthwhile way to spend your time.

If pretending you are anorexic makes you feel worthwhile, go ahead and do it. Just don't expect to get my respect. Pro-anorexia sites demean the horrible mental disorder that so many people suffer from. Having an eating disorder is not something to be proud of.

I have an eating disorder, and I am ashamed.

Ashamed of myself, ashamed of the time I spent fighting anorexia, ashamed of the hundreds of thousands of dollars my family had to pay for my treatment. Ashamed of my body. You glorify my shame. It hurts.