I write too much. Last night I tried sleeping on the couch again. I felt okay during the evening. I bought some microwave pancakes, something I thought I would never buy and had those for supper with sausages I had made earlier. I went to bed early hoping I would get a good night's sleep. I woke before six, stumbled into the kitchen, wishing that we had carrot juice, but since we didn't, I took a vitamin along with about half a teaspoon of ghee. I've seen a lot of diets come and go over the years. I didn't buy into the low fat diets for most of my life, recently I had experimented with the protocol recommended by the Dropping Acid book which recommended low acid, low fat, and I have to be gluten and dairy free so I kept those things out of my diet as well.

I crawled back under my covers and laid there thinking. Suddenly I realized that it had been a while since I had taken my beta carotene supplement. I had run out and couldn't afford to buy more so I stopped taking it. While I was laying there a funny thing happened. My body started feeling very strange. I coughed a little before the alarm on my phone went off and I went to wake up my oldest daughter. I snuggled with her for a few moments before I got back up again. I ate another small spoonful of ghee and snuggled with my youngest in her bed. She got up, but I laid in her bed feeling drowsy and lethargic. At some point in time I must have fallen back asleep.

I dreamt that the neighbors were moving and had left massive amounts of heavy furniture and their animals around our yard and garage. I had a goat leaping in a back room of a house I don't own in real life. After grabbing it by the color I marched it back with the explanation that it had almost crashed into a glass cabinet. A bunch of guys I knew were standing around talking about a truck someone had won. Dreams rarely make sense, that one was no exception. My chest and back feel better, they're less tight and I feel like my circulation is slightly improved. I've gotten into the habit of popping a vitamin as soon as I wake up before I eat, I think I was forgetting that the fat soluble vitamins do better when they're taken with a meal.

My eyes feel wetter which is nice as they're typically perpetually irritated and dry. Now I'm wondering if my diet was lacking in fat and that's part of what exacerbated my asthma symptoms. Another thing I had quit taking when I ran out were my fatty acid packets. It seems like a waste to manufacture individual servings, but the convenience and portability is awesome. I need to get going, but I remember reading that fatty acids take time to build up in your system along with other vitamins like D, E, K, and A. I know I have problems with absorption, a lot of these things are costly, but they seem to be making a difference that I only notice when I stop taking them. 

I cut up a small piece of ginger and added some honey to that. It's warming me up as I write. I still haven't taken a shower or a bath, but I have to give someone a ride to a doctor's appointment. For some mysterious reason this woman has bruises up and down both arms. The last time this happened everyone agreed it wasn't good, but nobody could figure out what had caused it or how to prevent it from happening again. Life is really strange. I don't have anything deep or profound to say, but sitting down to write is a habit, a good one for the most part although I've gone a bit overboard recently. Everything in moderation including moderation I suppose. 

P.S. I'm finally getting around to Iron Noder voting, I'm really enjoying what I've found so far.