Yes, this is a day early, forgive me.

Harumph. Today is the day I have to buy a new car. Grr. What a nasty thing to have to do! You see, my car turns out to be a "total damage" case, as my insurance adjuster so nicely put it. Two doors, a center post, some of the body, the driver's seat... man, that's only about a quarter of the car! Oh yeah, don't forget the emergency brake. Heck, the tow truck driver made me repark it (after a 180 degree spin-stop-crash) before he'd tow it away... he didn't want to park in the intersection.

Okay, so I'd rather buy a new car than get my old one back pseudo-fixed, but really, I'd rather my Forest Green 2000 Honda Civic were still in the mint condition I remember it in. After all, it is was my first car.

So, you can see why yesterday was a painful day for me, even more so than August 13, 2001 - I had to go and perform the "last rites" on the car - the notorious removal of the licence plates.

Well, that's done. Now, poor Civic, you will live on only in the scrap yard of some Ontario wrecker, and in the three pictures I have of you (2 post accident).

Oh, yes, and you will live on, in the licence plate number A**F 8**, which will be worn with pride by what ever new car I get. I think that will be a 2001 Honda Accord LX (blue or silver).

A word to the wise is sufficient: If you buy a new car, GET THE PURCHASE PROTECTION INSURANCE. For something like $25 (that's Canadian loonies) per year, you can get this insurance that pays you back the price paid for the car rather than the depreciated value, for any total loss accident in the first two years. I found out after the fact that my insurance agent added that BY HIMSELF for me.

Thank you, Mr. Insurance Agent. For once you were worthwhile, and Goodbye Honda Civic, you live on in E2.