From Isabella Devilini, the other half: a very drunk longtime carnival worker named Raspappa, a bullwhip expert who travels with a monkey and a bellydancer, shared with us the technique and routine for doing a bed of nails. He was very firm about using a piece of fruit to demonstrate the reality and sharpness of the nails. Thus, Mr. Juicy Juice. At the time, we performed in Florida in March, which is peak grapefruit season. My mother had a tree that gave so many grapefruits she couldn't give them away. Four shows a day, 8-12 grapefruits a weekend, no problem. As our show has toured the United States, however, we discovered that grapefruits in Maryland in October are an entirely different ballgame. As in $2 each. Fortunately, Mr. Juicy Juice pays his way in t-shirt sales. He is also popular at schools, with children writing him fan mail about his bravery in testing the bed of nails.