Currently up a goddamn mountain.

Dealing with frivolous lawsuits. Someone looking for a quick buck has filed a small claims court suit against me. Claims to be owed money for "services rendered" to my company. Said services are not remotely related to the field of work my company specializes in.

Claims he was contracted to render said services by an employee of the company who doesn't exist. Said employee apparently used a phone number that, according to public records, isn't in service, and an email address that doesn't use my company's domain.

The standard procedure here is for the company to realize that it's actually cheaper to default on the suit and quietly pay the leech their $175.23 than it is to actually respond to the lawsuit. Unfortunately, I don't believe in standard procedure and my company's lawyer specializes in slapping down frivolous lawsuits, and recovering court costs.

Also dealing with credit card fraud. Someone tried to spend $1000 on booze at Wal-Mart in Arkansas using the card that is in my rucksack here in Assgoblinstan.

Prizes will be paid out/donated as soon as the new card shows up at home and someone can tell me what the new card number is. Sorry for the delay.

Maybe Skeeter will stick to the liquor he knows next time. Maybe he'll try a few test purchases first - something that won't trip the algorithmic fraud detection that says "Looks bogus, mang. Haq never spent no $1000 at Wal-Mart never-ever."

The most hilarious part of it all? The fraud robots don't even bat an eyebrow at large ATM withdrawals from private banks in Kabul.