Well, we saw the PA in the neurosurgeon's office who kind of gets up my nose, but she's smart. Showed me the piccie from the MRI, and I'm scheduled in for another gamma knife surgery on November 11, with the same team. The lesion is 6 mm, fairly small.

I'm supposed to get a call back from my regular oncologist's office, and apparently this is not as schitzo as it feels - the chest stuff IS looking really good, and once a cell has crossed the blood-brain barrier it can start to grow really quickly. So I'll have a PET scan, and then an MRI on the day of gamma knife. No chemotherapy in the offing, thank goodness.

I'm hanging in, not sleeping wonderfully, but whatever, about like usual. I recently got on touch with Stanford to participate in clinical trials, since I'm rapidly becoming a statistical anomaly for longer survival with metastaic breast cancer. I'd really like to be able to help out other cancer patients, and people like me that they can use for trials are a relatively small pool. I'm on deck for one sleep study - where I go down and sleep in a fauncy hotel in Palo Alto with sensors all over me. Not too rough. Apparently insomnia after chemo and such is a really, really common problem. Then I can be in line for new chemotherapy trials as well, if we need it down the line.

I STILL can kick ass of your wee metal colandar and tin foil. My groovy gamma girl helmet is titanium, and weighs 300 pounds. SO THERE.

More later.