
*lashes self for being a carrier*

Knowledge will be the _downfall_ of society?

*pounds head repeatedly into wall*

The one thing that brought us out of the trees, out of the caves, the one thing that enables us to live longer, better, easier lives?

*throws self out of window*

Morons! With my last breath-

*hits ground after four feet*

Ow! Dammit...

Anyways... How can you say that?

Bear with me, my roomate has 'Return of the Mack' going behind me... some of this might get twisted...

Look, your problem is that our knowledge and intelligence will destroy all we have gained in the last 10,000 years. But, regardless of whether it will happen or not, we would not have all this to lose in the first place if we hadn't pursued knowledge.

And you think it will extinguish all human life? Why? There is NO reason to think that. Ballistic missiles? Get a missile shield. Backpack bombs? Get better detection equipment. That simple. Fight idiots who have tech with better tech.

Looking at something like knowledge, which enables everything we hold dear, like a _virus_, as if it was something that should be scared of... That's sick.

Look forward. Don't be scared of it. About half my posts are along this line. They have to be, because the prevailing attitude is so paranoid and schizophrenic. Check out Modern life is rubbish and a dozen others. Saying technology will be our downfall is rather ridiculous. It's the reason we're here and not crouching in a cave afraid of the sun.