Coming back from vacation, I realize how hard just working full time is when I'm trying to take care of myself physically and emotionally, be available to my teenagers, and have a social life. Something always goes. Cleaning and maintaining the house always goes! I don't know what I can cut back on - in the past, I have always sacrificed exercise for other things and I don't want to do that any more. I worked out or took a class or biked or at least walked for an hour every day on Cape Cod. It felt so good, my body was so happy. And I want my body to keep being happy, it doesn't like not moving and sweating.

Rearranging things to better suit priorities is hard. And it doesn't really ever work. I have to drop some things. The difficult part is I want to add so much in right now, not drop things! More art, more music, learning more stuff at work so I can take the tests and get certified, painting my living and dining rooms and kitchens, stuff like that. I want to take art classes in the fall. I want to paint my other car with bold designs and enter it to win something for next year.

I don't know how to figure these things out. Maybe I will talk to my therapist about it, to try and approach it in a logical fashion. And not get overwhelmed by trying to figure out how in the hell I'm going to do it!

Last night went to karaoke night at a lesbian bar in B'more. It was fun, met Linda there and we laughed all night. Met a new person, Bea, who is a pro singer and she's very cool. I gave her my card, hope we go to Renfest together and become friends, she seems very open and friendly.