Hi, me. What's been going on recently?

Well, I've gotten a couple of things accomplished. I ordered new glasses, got my hair cut, bleached it myself, got rid of 3 gift certificates for a clothing store. I also made another mix CD. Here's the track listing.

a smattering of songs
The Get Up Kids.............Holiday
Modest Mouse................Third Planet
Death Cab for Cutie.........405
Built to Spill..............Cortez the Killer
Modest Mouse................Talking Shit about a Pretty
Sunnny Day Real Estate......In Circles
The Promise Ring............For What Reason
Built to Spill..............You Were Right
Modest Mouse................Whenever you Breathe Out,
                            I Breathe In (Positive
Sunny Day Real Estate.......Every Shining Time You Arrive
Harvey Danger...............Pike St./Park Slope

( Thank you, softlinker, for pointing out my error! ( : )

Ok, I might have gone a little bit over board on some bands, but it's still a good listen. It is generally a mellow / sad cd. Good for listening while in a mood.

I played Ultimate Frisbee today, it was great fun. I've also been working on my juggling. I am trying to learn both the 3 ball cascade and 3 ball columns. I am making good progress, I'm sure I'll have the cascade down by the end of the week. I finally bought some juggling balls of my own, so I can actually practice now.

I also miss a certain someone. I really have a detachment problem. I find myself pushing away all of my friends. I haven't contacted a number of my friends in a while. The difference with her, is that I'm not sure whether it is that I pushed her away as well, or if she sent out the vibe that she wants to be left alone and I responded to that. You know, I really do analyze these things too much. When one misses a good friend, what else is there to do than wonder what happened? Well, juggling I suppose. Or making new friends.