Here is how to construct your own null modem connector:

1) Connect TD of each end with the RD of the other
2) Connect CTS of each end with the RTS of the other
2) Connect DSR of each end with the CD of the other
3) Connect SG of each end with the SG of the other
4) Connect DTR of each end with the DSR on the same end
5) If both ends of the connection are to be 25-pin, then also connect pin 1 (Frame Ground) to pin 1 of the other.

Depending on whether you are using a 9-pin or 25-pin serial connector, the pin numbers will be different.
Here are the ones that are essential for a null modem connection.
A complete list can be found in the serial port pinout node.

25-Pin		9-pin
2	TD	3
3	RD	2
5	CTS	8
4	RTS	7
6	DSR	6
8	CD	1
7	SG	5
20	DTR	4