Though the CN Tower may be The World's Tallest Free-Standing Structure, this is only because of that huge, meaningless spike at the very top, which seems to me was just tacked on near the end to make damn sure that it was indeed the tallest structure.

In fact, as you can see from the writeup above, its total height is 553m, but the highest a person could actually get is 447m, and most people just go up to the glass floor anyway, which is at 342m.

The CN Tower is also known for its ugliness. It has been said that it looks much like a donut stuck onto a Juno award (a Canadian award show, and thus largely unknown to the rest of the civilized world). Some people like to boast to live in the only building in Toronto not to have a view of the CN Tower.

Curiously enough, the CN Tower stands at the base of Yonge Street, which is currently The World's Longest Street, and right next to the SkyDome, which, as far as I remember, has the world's largest retractable roof. It's also located in Toronto, which is the world's most multicultural city. If only someone could combine these four feats into one... But HOW? HOW?