There has been an argument about this for some time amongst my circle of friends too. I personally feel (although I'm deadly sure someone will refute me pretty soon) that your personality is always unique: souls (such an overused, meaningless phrase) die with their bodies, period. Each new person, each new body, has it's own *awareness*.

A very devout Christian I happen to know talked with me about this once, and he believed that a cloned human would not be self-concious. He insisted this was because the soul is imparted to the new person by God at the moment of conception when the two zygotes fuse their respective chromosome networks. I found this to be an interesting, but bogus, way to think about it, because humans can (or will very soon be able to) perfectly simulate the fusion of zygotes inside sophisticated computer simulations, where there is no such a thing as God to tamper with the genes, because every factor has to be known to simulate the fusion.

Getting back to my point, I strongly feel that if a clone were to be created, it would be a normal, functioning person, quite similiar to it's gene-donor, but not the same, and with it's own distinct personality, too. Science has shown that more often than not, your genes are only responsible for a small portion of your personality. Obviously if you have genes that make you an aggressive person, your clone will be aggressive too, and so forth. However, the unique id, the awareness, is always different and exclusive for every person, be they clone or mundane.

This is because personality is largely a function of the quantum state of the human brain, and since the human brain is a very random thing, constructed as it is by the very genes that were cloned, there can be no transfer of personality between bodies, not ever. Unless we figure out a way to harness quantum potential in human neurons, which is unlikely in anywhere but the far future.

Remember that all babies are blank slates, and their personalities form during childhood. There is no way to skip the fetal development process. Every clone yet born has had to be born. This is another reason why clones are unique individuals with their own souls.