Vriksha-asana is often contracted into vrikshasana. A few more tips for the tree pose:

  • Find a gazing point to stare at (drishti). Preferably ahead of you and preferably one that doesn't move (like the flickering red dot on a video game, say)
  • Your weight, as in tadasana (the mountain pose) should be squarely on the heel and ball of your foot and none of it should be on your toes. In fact, you should be able to pick your toes off the ground.
  • In this pose, your entire body, excepting the toes, should be stretched upwards -- again, as in tadasana (actually, the tadasana page has some more helpful pointers).
  • As in all yoga poses, breath is important. Breathe regularly and deeply and be aware of your breath. Direct it to the parts of the body that need attention.