Prof. baffo
1 Tree House, Fetish Boulevard

Grading Section

Boilerplate intro

After communing with my inner Lesbian Sex Kitten, I was able to evaluate the attached essay by Student donfreenut.

As it is the custom in Italy, the vote will be expressed in thirtieths, which an overworked secretary will painfully convert to 1/110ths for your final graduation score.


Student donfreenut correctly applies the minimal commonality min-cut criterium, individuating the common nut construct.
His subsequent masterful ordering of the usernames by length closely follow the classic Warlord principle, as discussed at length during the course.

We cannot help but find a bit too hasty the dismissing of the dannye Specialized Matrix Multiplication Table.
Even if they should not be applied outside of a normalized omega-nodeset, the DSMMT could have had some limited application in this context.

The knifegirl biarchy is a fairly advanced tool whose application deserves careful thought: an unsure handling of the rethorical eigenvectors could result in severe cognitive shear.
We are happy to notice that the extensive time dedicated to this subject during the course did not fail to produce results.

This paragraph to be read in a whiny, nasal voice: Our chief issue with the essay is that inter-word spaces have not been cleaned and deodorized before submitting the text.
We can clearly see crumbs on top of the large ME, bits of rust sticking to the bottom of the E2 semantic map hardling and possibly some vapors of nodevertising that, frankly, mar the presentation.

Ego boost

Despite the small defects that we have noted above, Student donfreenut's essay captures thoroughly the intricate relationships between the 4 noders, as requested.
A copy of the work has been forwardes to thefez's office, for additional review.

We particularly appreciate the way in which the student dives right into the matter of the essay at the deep end of the essay.
As we used to say at the Uppsala Everything Bar and Grill, the nodegel can be studied only up to a point; after that point, you have to swim or sink.

Parthian shot

We suggest that the student review the ovary/nut relationship. It is our impression that he may require additional guidance on the subject.

Final whack

The normalized exam score for this essay is 28.

Courses suggested: your student profile makes you a possible candidate for the Course on things that hurt, taught by Profsrs. dannye, Yurei, Rancid_Pickle and The Custodian.
You may also want to consider the additional Cars, owners, technicians and the postmodern southern context, taught by Prof. Templeton and Prof. dem bones.

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