I have recently been discussing with a few other noders about a possible idea for a writeup or maybe even a quest. (see Up My Street (A Quest for Local Knowledge))

As we all know E2 doesn't allow for images other than home nodes. Personally I've always been intrigued by E2's text only format. However, I think that a site with such colorful people (especially fiction and poetry writers) should be connected to other parts of the internet.

I had the idea of noders taking pictures of their front yards/front walk/etc. which would be posted to an image hosting site such as Imgur, and then other noders could "put" poetry to it (on E2). Tem42 improved the idea (due to possible privacy concerns) by suggesting that the photos would instead be of a "favorite spot" due to potential privacy issues. I understand there may be privacy concerns but I still stand by my original idea (front yards/front walks/etc.) and can't part with it. Instead of stubbornly sticking to just that I'd like to encourage people to do whichever one (or even both) they feel comfortable providing.

Having the images elsewhere on the internet might be quite helpful in attracting people elsewhere on the internet to become noders. Even if it didn't there could still be benefit to E2 by having the connection to other sites. Aside from seducing, excuse me, attracting new people to E2, there would be a number of other benefits. Reluctant as I am to be the first to dip my toes into the photo side of things, I have done so. That whole "don't expect others to do what you won't do yourself" thing. If anyone can produce some poetry based on it you're a better man/woman/etc. than I am. So here.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Note: As always, stay vigilant and watch out for porch pirates.