The true justification of male infidelity is also the justification of infidelity for women. Neither is genetically predisposed to latching onto the other for eternity. This is a social construct that has been ingrained into the human consciousness for thousands of years -- and far too long. Marriage is obsolete. Notice that in many of the societies still existing near the fertile crescent men still believe it's perfectly acceptable for men to have many wives but women are not allowed to do the same? This is blatant patriarchal garbage and any woman who perpetuates these lies by giving into the conditioning and feeling jealous when what she should be doing is going after anything with three legs is jeopardizing her own gender's right to equality which others have fought for in generations past.

It's not genetics. That's a red herring. It's got to do with upbringing. Men are roosters. Women are hens They're all chicken. Ever see them get hitched? No. They each have their fun in their own way and then *plop* out comes a fertilized egg now and then. We humans act as if procreation is a goal. IT IS A BYPRODUCT! The goal is sex, and the sooner you more conservative-minded boneheads get that through your thick skulls the sooner we can get back to the days of the Roman Empire when undergarments were free and all was permitted!

Viva la difference! AHORA NEOISMUS!!!