A nodeshell rescue.

In modern American society, it has become popular to vocally support communism, especially in the ranks of college students. Whether this is due to the rebelous nature of university students, a dissatisfaction with the growing consumerism in America, the inbalance of wealth, or a general reaction against the antiCommunist view of the previous generation is unclear. However, their arguments lack one thing that is never really discussed....proof.

We all know Communism failed in the USSR/Eastern Bloc, is disappearing in China/Cuba, is starving to death in N. Korea. Yet these are always seen as not Communism but rather dictatorships under the guise of Communism. If Communism has never existed, then that disproves one of Marx's main arguments - that the workers would rise up and overthrough capitalist society. He was also wrong about worsening job conditions.

However, lets assume that Marx was just wrong about implementation. The best example of socialistic nations are the Scandinavian countries. Indeed, these nations do have strong economies and high quality of life. However, we must ask whether socialism the cause. During WWII, most of Europe's infastructure was heavily damaged, and there was massive loss of life. The Scandanavian nations received relatively little damage. This was a major reason that the US could emerge as an economic superpower. Also, even these nations which are the bastions of socialism have a market economy and are at least 1/2 capitalist. Its not true socialism.

And that is the main point. Just as there was never an 'ideal' Communistic/socialist state, there has never been a fully capitalistic state either. In the US, for instance, the government breaks up monopolies - which are also impossible in a purely capitalistic society, regulates both the commodities and stock markets, sets a minimum wage and provides welfare, disability and unemployment. The very existance of sales tax, and tariffs eliminate the possiblity of pure capitalism.

There will never be a pure version of Capitalism or Communism. However, Capitalism, despite its many flaws, has a proven track record; while Communism has shown more problems than Microsoft software ever did. An argument can be made for reformation of the current system to eliminate some of its flaws, but a switch to Communism would not only not solve the world's problems but most likely cause many many more.