In computer science a monitor is also a construct used for process synchronization (introduced by Hoare). It is a piece of code or an object which achieves mutual exclusion on its own (of course appropriate commands have to be inserted by e.g. the compiler). This prevents the programmer from creating bugs by forgetting to call methods like unlock() or semaphore.v(). Also, a monitor can have so called "condition variables" inside it, onto which processes that entered the monitor can wait.

It is probably the easiest to explain a monitor using a producer consumer problem implementation in Java:

void produce()
        // do production of x

void consume()
        // consume x

The sychronized blocks mark the code pieces which are part of the buffer monitor. This monitor has two tasks. First, it takes care that consumer and producer are not manipulating the buffer data structures at the same time. Second, it allows each process to wait until a condition becomes true (for the producer e.g.: free space in the buffer available?). If the conditions is false, the process blocks and other processes may enter the monitor. Once a process has modified the state of the monitor in such a way that a condition might have become true, it notifies all waiting processes. Those then compete normally for the monitor since only one of them can enter. The lucky one can continue to execute.

BTW, the above implementation is not very efficient so don't use it in real life.(And it hasn't been checked for syntax errors at all.)