Rhetoric aside (of which there is plenty, yeeeesh), the Talmud mentions on numerous occasions (Hulin 58a, Yevamot 69b, Mishna Oholot 7:6) that a fetus is not human at conception. It is nothing save water for forty days, and does not become anything other than a part of the mother's body until birth.

That having been said, the Old Testament is notoriously vague on the subject - although it is a well documented fact that primitive abortionists did exist during the time period and were accepted members of the community.

The New Testament, to my knowledge, ignores the subject of abortion entirely. The issue certainly doesn't concern Jesus, and there's little to suggest there was a question about the legitimacy of the practice. Later still St. Augustine is more than happy to accept the 40 day rule...

Anti-Abortion policies on the part of the Catholic Church or any Christian entity come not until very late in the game. As some might have it, it's the microscope that brings this revelation about - when it revealed an invisible world of minature humans swimming about and having lots of fun.

...That having been said... as far as the idea of someone's anti-abortion position violating God's Moral Law goes, Mazel is either trolling, or on crack. There is a very real and tangible difference between abortion not being murder and what he's claiming. I'd recommend a good, healthy dose of irony to make him realize that responding to absolutism with absolutism will get you absolutely nowhere in this world...