

Last night, I was surprised that there still were some Quake servers up and running, and *gasp* people were still playing Deathmatch there! AND I spectated a good Team Fortress game, too.

XQF rocks. =) Now, I just wish DRI wouln't be, ahem, unstable... Or maybe I should switch to ReiserFS so that fscks would become faster - that's why people are upgrading to 2.4.1, anyway =)

Time to face the challenges of the day!


(OK, who the heck is downvoting this???)

Nothing much has happened... I have been thinking of setting up a Quake clan of my own.

With only me as the member, and stating very clearly on the web page that it's a faux clan.

Reason? People have begged WAY too much for me to join their clans, even when I, technically speaking, sucked. (All I did was that I knew the best places to hide in when playing as a sniper in TF... No one even noticed I was there for a very long time.)


(Well, the clan idea was a bit too silly to implement... =)


Oh, for Christ's sake. One of my dream logs is at -2.

So, obviously, there's something wrong with my subconsciousness, or something like that. Maybe I really should seek help. Or something.

Other day logs o' mine...

Noded today by y.t.: XQF E.M.C. Tigerstedt