Lolita is the 12 year old nymphet of the novel Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. She is lusted after Humbert Humbert the narrator of the story. Her real name in the novel is Dolores Haze but Humbert Humbert calls her his Lolita.

Somehow the character of Lolita and the lust of Humbert Humbert in the novel remind me of Mathilda a 12 year old girl in the movie Leon: The Professional by Luc Besson. Mathilda falls in love with a much older man (Leon) and the situation represented here is reversed.

Whether Lolita loved Humbert Humbert back or it was just an infatuation I am unsure of. Even if she did run all the way up the stairs before she went to summer camp to kiss him. But I believe that Humbert's was real, though it was also the act of a pedophile as he did describe his adventures of sleeping with young girls.

Mathilda and Leon shared a sweet love too, she believed that she was in love with him, while he loved her like a daughter, thrown together by the death of her family, and also Lolita and Humbert are thrown together by the death of her mother.

Maybe this common love grew more than it naturally was for the girls after the death of their parent figures because now they depended on this certain person and the loved their shared for their parents was transferred to their caretaker added to the respect that they already had for them.