A bit backwards, but nonetheless, some events must be written on the day that it happened so that it can be remembered - never forgotten.

Probably not so important among other trivial things in life, but indeed, today, the experience expanded my dream a whole lot more.

I got to sit in a 2005 Corvette C6 convertible!

Ok, so it's not the Knight Rider KITT car, but it is something I want to own and drive!

We hit 160km/h on some rural roads in a SNAP! Turning was incredibily sticky. A GPS navigation system told us where we were the entire time. Quite unbelieveable that it was only a $2000.00 option integrated nicely into the center dash. The leather upholstery and the new material gave a fantastic aroma - mmm...PLASTIC.

A friend had offered to drive me around for a bit - it was his business. He rented out exotic automobiles. He once owned a 1970's Lamborghini Countach. The C6 was rather "pedestrian" for him among his Ferrari's, AMG's and BMW's.

This boy's dream just got bigger!