Saturday mornings seem to me to be the best daylog times. They feel like no other mornings. The clearheadedness of enough sleep, the quiet and light of the house that I usually miss because I'm off in a fluorescent-lit classroom somewhere. The blessed second cup of coffee. Serious coffee, fresh-ground French Roast. Today I also get KALX on the radio, boyfriend in the shower, and kid baking coffee cake. Fall is the best season.
So as I look back on the week, the world has gone crazy, but the regular thread of daily life weaves along. The District decided, after seven years, that I don't have the correct credential to be teching Middle School. They've lost all my transcripts and need to convene a Peer Review Board to grant me a waiver to continue teaching the curriculum they paid me to write for them. Ahhh yes! Bureaucracy in action!
Meanwhile, I contemplate anthrax, train the new aide, finsh the web page and cereal box projects, prep a presentation on instant messaging for the parent community, and try to figure out when I'll have time to spin some records and relax for a night or so. I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with the woman who decided she had a crush on my boyfriend, and spent the better part of two months trying to seduce him before I finally called her on it and caused all hell to break loose. She's a drama queen, not a good friend, but someone I'd like to know better, though this episode has quelled that feeling pretty well. She's mailing me with 'can we still be friends?' messages and I'm just not feeling much like responding.
The house grows warmer as the oven heats up. That second cup is ready now.
Kiddo is going to take her bass over to The Boy's house this afternoon. He plays guitar and they have been getting together to play pretty regularly. He's still in eighth grade, and she's a freshman, so they don't see each other at school anymore. They talk online every night, email all the time, but she insists he's just a friend. This is fine with me, and I've made clear to her I've got no pressure to put on her about having a boyfriend. Lots of her friends' folks seem to feel a great need for their kids to be hooked up with someone at this point. I just want her to be happy... man! I know what I was up to at her age, and she's nowhere near as needy as I was, and has far more self respect than I ever did. Social and commercial pressure is so huge at her age. I am so relieved that she seems to be happy to be who she is and is not striving to be who she thinks others want her to be. I admire her a lot, in fact, for her drive, her individuality, her sense of fairness and her openness. I admire her poetic sentences, her loony humor and her sense of style. I'm plain lucky she came to live with me.
Horus asked me to be the best man at his wedding next summer. I've been wondering for years if he'd ask me when the day came, cause I am, after all, a woman. Given the singular nature of our friendship in the first place, I kind of assumed he'd ask me, but I expected the fiancé factor had to come into play as well. I didn't know if she'd go for the idea, though she and I are great good friends as well. I shouldn't have doubted her though, another lesson learned. And, I get to plan the bachelor party, and make the toast at the reception! It's exciting, really, because I can use this as an opportunity to help bring in elements important to him. I've been compiling song lyrics and Crowley quotes to weave into a toast of congratulations, and its satisying me greatly.
Fabulous looking strusel, I've been given a preview! Cinnamon smells float through the house. I really ought to get dressed.