America seems to have been founded on the protestant work ethic, then cranked it up to even higher levels. You're judged on your success with work over everything else. We lavish attention and money on the successes - the CEO, the doctor, the athlete, the movie star. But only the ones that do glamourous things. The scientist is lucky to get her picture in a newspaper article tucked back on page 5. The teacher has to rely on thanks from students and parents.

Education is great... as long as it's in preparation for a life of work. Education for it's own sake doesn't seem to be regarded as having value. And you only should be as smart as you need to be, anything more, and you're an outcast.

I worry that if we ever have the means to change things so that work is no longer necessary to live, that we can leave the realm of scarcity behind, that people will fight it. They're so dependent on working, on providing their own living, that they wouldn't accept a place where it wasn't necessary. That this work ethic would mean anyone not working would be a freeloader, a waste.

I would love a place where the only work I do is the stuff I want to do, when I want to do it. I must be the exception.