Babylon 5 Season 1, Episode 4. Written by J. Michael Straczynski, directed by Richard Compton. Originally aired on February 18, 1994.

Primary Plot: Dr. Vance Hendricks, and old professor of Dr. Franklin's, smuggles an ancient living weapon onto the station that puts everyone's safety in danger.

Secondary Plot: An InterStellar News (ISN) team arrives aboard station to chronicle the second anniversary of the station's creation.

Commentary: The primary plot is extraordinarily dumb, but the ISN sub-plot saves the episode from being totally silly. The down-the-middle reporting from the ISN team here is there to be a contrast to later episodes containing news reports on B5 (Season 2's And Now For A Word and Season 4's The Illusion of Truth) in which the ISN team heavily (and unfavorably) slants the article.

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