Urdu is the national langauge of Pakistan. It is not spoken in any other country of the world.

Urdu is short for zaban-e-urdu. In Persian that means language of the camp. zaban = tongue/language, urdu = camp. When the Muslims invaded sub-continent they came from different countries, thus spoke different languages. They were primarily Persians, Arabs and Turks. So they needed a language that they could use to communicate in the "army camps". From there we get the word "language of the camp" or simply camp or Urdu. Urdu has words from Arabic, Persian and Turkish. Although it absorbed words from other languages also. Because Muslims "invented" this language it became the lingua franca of Indian(India refers to India + Pakistan) Muslims. The Hindus probably used some other language, Hindi I guess. Urdu from its very nature is not a language in itself, but simply a mélange of other languages, therefore you can use any word from any language(which is almost always English) in it and it is okay to do so. Besides English, Persian and Arabic words(that are not already a part of Urdu) are often used in Urdu. In fact Persian poetry is very closely linked to Urdu poetry.

Urdu has a lot of sounds that do not exist in English, so it might be difficult for them to speak it perfectly. French, however, is a bit closer to Urdu.