Here are mine.
  1. Show some humility. To be cocky and arrogant is only human nature, especially while young; but it does not encourage others to help you mature and become less foolish.

  2. Question everything. Do it while you're young, and take special care to do it when you are older. Only by questioning can we continue to grow as individuals and as a race.

  3. Don't be afraid to be human. You will think thoughts that are technically "evil", and you will want to do things you know you shouldn't. This is not wrong, and any person or religion that says otherwise is a danger to your happiness.

  4. Always try to look on the bright side of life. It's a lie that every cloud has a silver lining, and it's hard to defeat negative emotion, but there are many simple joys in life that sometimes make it all feel worthwhile. See: art, music, the joy of creativity.

  5. Don't get bogged down with other people's troubles, but don't show them a lack of compassion. If you do, then don't expect compassion from them when things get tough for you.

  6. We'd all save each other a lot of grief if we didn't try to convert people to our beliefs. Don't expect people to respect your beliefs if they are contrary to your own, because many people won't. This may not be right, but it is human nature.

  7. Anger at something you cannot change is futile, and often a source of great sadness or frustration. Try to get out of this hole as soon as you can, whether it be something small like your brother being late to pick you up, or the violence in Israel. The best thing to do in a situation like this is to try and help rather than expressing anger. If you can do this, you are truely a strong person.

  8. Companion to commandment seven: Sadness about something you cannot change or have no control over only increases the net amount of sadness in the world.

  9. Conformity is the opiate of the masses. If conformity makes you happy, then so be it. If it does not, then don't let anyone tell you that you are wrong for not conforming.

  10. Enjoy yourself. This is utmost in importance.