Chewbacca is a two meter tall Wookiee with ginger-brown fur. Born on the planet Kashyyyk some 150 years before Episode One and 200 years before the Battle of Yavin.

Chewbacca fought in the Clone Wars against the droid army of the Separatists who were trying to take over Kashyyyk. He liasoned with Yoda during the final battle and acted as his bodyguard and guide on Kashyyyk. When the Clone troopers turned against the Jedi Master per Order 66 Chewbacca was there to help save the wisest of the Jedi. Chewie was taken prisoner in a slave raid by the Empire sometime after the clone wars. The Empire favored wookies for slaves due to their brute strength. Chewbacca apparently escaped slavery and became a pirate working to free other Imperial slaves. He was recaptured and this is when he met a young Imperial TIE Fighter pilot named Han Solo. Solo freed Chewie from slaver and became a trator to the Empire, abandoning the Imperial military and going ont he run with Chewbacca who swore a life debt oath to Han. They became smugglers and Chewbacca became his partner in crime, co-pilot and chief mechanic. Soon, they won the freighter Millennium Falcon, from Lando Calrissian and they became one of the top smugglers for Jabba The Hutt.

Chewbacca is married to a female Wookiee named Mallatobuck and they have a son Lumpawarrump together. Despite his family life Chewie continued his flying with Han as the Wookiee life debt demanded. Chewbacca's son, was raised mainly by Malla and Chewie's father, Attichitcuk.

Chewbacca´s life changed forever one fateful day at a local Cantina in Mos Eisley, Tatooine when he met the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was looking for passage to Alderan. Desperate for cash, Chewie and Han took on the charter. Little did the two smugglers realize that their cargo consisted of a legendary Jedi Knight, the son of the prophesied Chosen One and a pair of droids containing information vital to both the Empire and the Alliance. This trip confirmed Chewie´s rebel tendencies (after being a slave of the Empire this is hardly suprizing), and it is Chewbacca who is credited with turning Solo around and returning climactically to the battle of Yavin to aid Luke Skywalker. After this Chewbacca and Solo continued their work for the Rebellion until it finally defeated the Empire.

Many years later when the galaxy was confronted with a new threat, the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong Solo and Chewbacca were on the planet of Sernpidal when was targeted. The Yuuzhan Vong began to drag Serpidal's moon of Dobido from its orbit towards the planet's surface. Solo, his son Anakin, and Chewbacca began organizing an evacuation, cramming as many escapees aboard the Falcon as they could. Chewbacca was cut off from the Falcon and rather than endanger everyone aboard, Anakin piloted the ship away, leaving Chewbacca behind. Chewbacca was killed when the immense moon crashed into Sernpidal's surface.
