(This is the political facts about Norway, most of the info is gathered from Statistics Norway.)


List of registered political parties in Norway December 1999

Det norske Arbeiderparti Labour Party A 1897
Det Liberale Folkepartiet New Liberal Party DLF 1989
Det Politiske Part The Political Party 2001
Fedrelandspartiet Fatherland Party 1991
Generasjonspartiet Generation Party 1993
Fremskrittspartiet Progress Party Frp 1973
Tverrpolitisk kyst- og distriktspartiet Nonpartisan Coastal and Rural District Party 1973
Fylkeslistene for Miljø og Solidaritet County Lists for the Environment and Solidarity FMS 1989
Hvit valgallianse (Stopp Innvandringen/Hjelp fremmede hjem) White Electoral Alliance (Stop Immigration/Repatriate Aliens) 1973
Høyre Conservative Party H 1897
Kristelig Folkeparti Christian Democratic Party KrF 1933
Kristent Konservativt Parti Christian Conservative Party KKP 1965
Miljøpartiet De Grønne The Green Party 1989
Naturlovpartiet Natural Law Party 1993
Norges Kommunistiske Parti Communist Party NKP 1924
Pensjonistpartiet Pensioners' Party 1985
Rød Valgallianse Red Electoral Alliance RV 1973
Samfunnspartiet Society Party 1985
Samlingspartiet (Ny Fremtid) New Future Coalition Party 1993 Senterpartiet Centre Party Sp 1924
Sosialistisk Venstreparti Socialist Left Party SV 1975
Venstre Liberal Party V 1897

Source: The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.

Presidents and Secretaries of the Storting

The Storting
President: Kirsti Kolle Grøndahl (A)
Vice President: Hans J. Røsjorde (Frp)

The Lagting
President: Odd Holten (KrF)
Vice President: Svein Ludvigsen (H)

The Odelsting
President: Gunnar Skaug (A)
Vice President: Jorunn Ringstad (Sp)

The Constitutional Office, Karl Johans gate 22, 0026 Oslo Storting: Tel. 23 31 30 50. Fax 23 31 38 50

Source: The Constitutional Office, Storting.

The Supreme Court

P.O.Box 8016 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 03 59 00, fax 22 33 23 55

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: Smith, Carsten
Director (Head of the Office of the Supreme Court): Bergby, Gunnar

Justices of the Supreme Court

Broch, Lars Oftedal
Lund, Ketil
Bruzelius, Karin M.
Matningsdal, Magnus
Bugge, Jens (until 01.05.2000)
Rieber-Mohn, Georg Fr.
Coward, Kirsti
Schei, Tore
Dolva, Trond
Skoghøy, Jens Edvin A.
Flock, Hans
Stang Lund, Eilert
Frisak, Nina (from 01.05.2000)
Tjomsland, Steinar
Gjølstad, Liv
Utgård, Karl Arne
Gussgard, Karenanne
Aarbakke, Magnus
Holmøy, Vera
Aasland, Gunnar

Source: The Supreme Court.

The Government and the Ministries

Office of the Prime Minister,
Akersgaten 42, P.O.Box 8001 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
7. juni plass 1, P.O.Box 8114 Dep, 0032 Oslo, tel. 22 24 36 00/22 24 90 90
Minister of Foreign Affairs Thorbjørn Jagland (Labour Party)
Minister of International Development and Human Rights Anne Kristin Sydnes (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Finance and Customs,
Akersgaten 40, P.O.Box 8008 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Fisheries,
Grubbegaten 1, P.O.Box 8118 Dep, 0032 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Otto Gregussen (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Children and Family Affairs,
Akersgaten 59, P.O.Box 8036 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90 Minister Karita Bekkemellem Orheim (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Defence,
Myntgaten 1, PO.Box 8126 Dep, 0032 Oslo, tel. 23 09 20 00
Minister Bjørn Tore Godal (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Justice and the Police,
Akersgaten 42, P.O.Box 8005 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Hanne Harlem (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs,
Akersgaten 44, P.O.Box 8119 Dep, 0032 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Trond Giske (Labour Party) (Cont.)

The Royal Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development,
Akersgaten 59, P.O.Box 8112 Dep, 0032 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Sylvia Brustad (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Cultural Affairs,
Akersgaten 59, P.O.Box 8030 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Ellen Horn (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Agriculture,
Akersgaten 59, P.O.Box 8007 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Bjarne Håkon Hanssen (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Environment,
Myntgaten 2, P.O.Box 8013 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Siri Bjerke (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Trade and Industry,
Einar Gerhardsens plass 1, P.O.Box 8014 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Grete Knudsen (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Petroleum and Energy,
Einar Gerhardsens plass 1, P.O.Box 8148 Dep, 0033 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Olav Akselsen (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Transport and Communications,
Akersgaten 59, P.O.Box 8010 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Terje Moe Gustavsen (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
Einar Gerhardsens plass 3, P.O.Box 8011 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Guri Ingebrigtsen (Labour Party)
Minister Tore Tønne (Labour Party)

The Royal Ministry of Labour and Government Administration,
Akersgaten 59, P.O.Box 8004 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22 24 90 90
Minister Jørgen Kosmo (Labour Party)

Source: Office of the Prime Minister.


Saturday, 1st of January, New Year's Day (Official flag flying day)
Monday, 21st of February, King Harald's birthday (Official flag flying day)
Sunday, April, Palm Sunday] (Movable holiday)
Thursday, April, Maundy Thursday (Movable holiday)
Friday, April, Good Friday (Movable holiday)
Sunday, April, Easter Sunday (Movable holiday, Official flag flying day)
Monday, April, Easter Monday (Movable holiday)
1st of May, Public Holiday (Official flag flying day)
8th of May, Liberation Day 1945 (Official flag flying day)
17th of May, Constitution Day (Official flag flying day)
Thursday, June, Ascension Day (Movable holiday)
7th of June, Dissolution of Union with Sweden 1905 (Official flag flying day)
Sunday, June, Whitsun (Movable holiday, Official flag flying day)
Monday, June, Whitmonday (Movable holiday)
4th of July, HM Queen Sonja's birthday (Official flag flying day)
20th of July, HRH Crown Prince Haakon Magnus' birthday (Official flag flying day)
29th of July St. Olav's Day (Olsok) (Official flag flying day)
22th of September, HRH Princess Märtha Louise's birthday (Official flag flying day)
25th of December, Christmas Day (Official flag flying day)
26th of December, Boxing Day


The Foreign Service

Visiting address: 7. juni plass 1/Victoria Terrasse 7, 11
Postal address: P.O.Box 8114 Dep, N-0032 Oslo
Tel.: +47 - 22 24 36 00
Fax: +47 - 22 24 95 80/22 24 95 81
Telex: 71004
E-mail: postmottak@ud.dep.telemax.no

Foreign service missions

99 diplomatic and consular missions

  • 75 embassies
  • 13 consulates general
  • 2 consulates
  • 8 delegations
  • 3 other
406 honorary consulates


650 positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
At the foreign service missions:
480 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
103 from NORAD
Around 500 local employees

Norwegian Trade Council

As a national resource centre, the Norwegian Trade Council shall be the natural first choice of the business sector and the authorities in the field of export and internationalization.

The Norwegian Trade Council shall help to increase the competitive strength of Norwegian enterprises and their profitability in international markets by assisting them throughout the export and internationalization process and playing the role of strategic advisor, door-opener and problem-solver.

Visiting address: Drammensveien 40
Postal address: N-0243 Oslo
Tel.: +47 - 22 92 63 00
Fax: +47 - 22 92 64 00
E-mail: oslo@ntc.no
Representation abroad: 40 offices

The Norwegian Mission to Seaman/Norwegian Church Abroad

The Norwegian Mission to Seaman/the Norwegian church abroad is a voluntary organisation, but it has been given the task of serving the religious needs of Norwegians abroad on behalf of the Church of Norway. However, the Norwegian churches abroad are also important social and cultural meeting places and have considerable value in a general stand-by and advisory context.

In addition to twenty-nine churches and church centres around the world, the Norwegian Mission to Seaman has the responsibility for the student priest service and the "travelling priest service" that visits scattered Norwegian settlements.

Visiting address: Strandgt. 198
Postal address: P.O.Box 2007 Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen
Tel.: +47 - 55 55 22 55
Fax: +47 - 55 55 22 50
Representation abroad: 44 stations


The Norwegian Defence Forces - personnel. 2000

Defence Forces Personnel
Defence Forces in peacetime, incl. officers, civilians and conscripts 35 800
Conscripts, initial term of service, total approx. 18 100 Army approx. 10 300
Navy approx. 4 100
Air Force approx. 3 700
Defence Forces fully mobilized 227 000
Army 89 000
Navy 22 000
Air Force 33 000
Home Guard 83 000
Civil Defence strength mobilized 50 000
+ industrial Civil Defence 33 000

Initial period of service (months)
Army 6-12
Navy 9-12
Air Force 12

Source: Ministry of Defence.

Defence Budget - main figures. 2000

In million NOK Change from 1999. (Per cent change)
Total: 25 349.2 (3.6)

  • Ministry of Defence 137.5 (5.2)
  • Common institutions and state enterprises under the Ministry of Defence 594.7 (-0.3)
  • Common expenses under the Ministry of Defence 182.1 (10.5)
  • Common leadership and command structure 1 049.1 (-8.4)
  • Common institutions and expenses under the Headquarter's Command 1 310.2 (15.7)
  • Army 4 719.9 (-0.3)
  • Navy 2 869.9 (3.0)
  • Air Force 3 737.1 (3.5)
  • Home Guard 715.3 (0.8)
  • Defence intelligence 535.5 (-2.6)
  • Procurement of material, buildings and construction 7 744.7 (1.5)
  • Coast Guard 534.5 (-6.3)
  • Search and Rescue Services 188.3 (-0.5)
  • Norwegian Forces Abroad 860.0 (--)
  • Cultural activities and measures for the public good 170.4 (-18.2)

Source: Ministry of Defence. Innst. S. nr. 7 (1999-2000).