Not just any Amiga guy, but indeed the Father of the Amiga.

Jay Miner designed the Agnus chip, which is one of the most central chips in the now obsolete OCS architechture, which was installed in the first generation of Amigas.

Jay brought his dog, Mitchy to work every day. Legend says that he would show his chip designs to Mitchy. If the dog wagged her (*) tail, the design made it to the chip.

If you didn't already know, the Amiga 1000, the first Amiga model has the names of all the desing team molded underneath the top cover. The paw print is Mitchy's.

Here is the message posted on Jay's BBS, "The Mission", after he passed away.
From     Gary Chow                        MSG 48 OF 53
To       All                              Has Reply 49
Date     Sun 26 Jun 94 13:18
Subject  Jay Miner

Jay Miner passed away June 20, 1994, at the El Camino Hospital in Mountain
View.  The actual cause of death was heart failure, but it was the result of
kidney complications.  A private memorial service will be held in July.

He'll be greatly missed and much remembered.
(*) Mitchy's gender is not 100%, but I'm quite certain it is female. /msg me if you have 100% information!