Blessed: ThePope for his excellent Academy Award nodes.

Killed: tomed's writeup in Omaha. A "See Also" node.

Killed: tkennedy's writeup in Minor Threat. Total Content: "sometimes good guys don't wear white. minor threat is punk rock. screw you if you don't agree. xxx originators." I straightedged this one without mercy.

Killed: tkennedy's writeup in lost. Total Content: "when you aren't there". Vastly outperformed by the other writeups.

Killed: x o r's writeup in linus torvalds' tadger. It said: Eddie:"But I just want to see Linus Torvalds' tadger!" fridge falls on head (appologies to A.Edmondson and R.Mayall...hehehe) Why, yes, that's completely idiotic! Thanks so much! Deleted the nodeshell, unsurprisingly.

Killed: x o r's writeup in fridge falls on head. Linkless gibberish. Deleted the nodeshell.

Killed: x o r's writeup in Eric Cantona It mainly just repeated Mr. Cantona's name over and over.

Glared at: Rollo's writeup in Eric Cantona. I guess he plays soccer, but I can't tell much else.

Killed: x o r's writeup in meta-meta. Total Content: "meta-meta. exactly. from physics to meta-physics to meta-meta. oh very funny. this is the joke." Coulda fooled me...

Killed: x o r's writeup (detect a pattern here?) in stools. Total Content: "sometimes its green, sometimes is greeny-brown. (with appropriate appologies). With reverberations of victorian starched skirted school nurses. Embarrassed doctors. Multiparous big lumbering mothers - they dont mind. Its called habituation." No, it's called "Dumb as toast". But thanks for playing. Deleted the nodeshell.

Killed: x o r's writeup in fractionation. Linkless gibberish. For God's sake, people, DON'T NODE DRUNK!

Deleted users: Xebeche, gar0u, superegg2000, and x o r.

Killed: Dodobird's writeup in Sleeping? Just NFN. Deleted the nodeshell, too.

Killed: Bob Dole's writeup in magical thing. Total Content: "A magical thing is anything caused by magic, witchcraft, luck, or a spell." No, not exactly. Deleted the nodeshell.

Killed: Bob Dole's writeup in Jay Stile. User seems to be under the impression that the guy's dead. Methinks not. Deleted the nodeshell.

Killed: Bob Dole's writeup in Español. Three lines about Christina Aguilera do not a writeup make.

Well, this has been fun. Wait,, it hasn't.