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Everything Snapshot

Time: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:20:39 GMT
Everything server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU mod_ssl/2.4.10 OpenSSL/0.9.4 mod_perl/1.21_03-dev

Number of nodes: 790031 (818 new since January 2, 2001 [646.7 wa7])
Number of users: 22434 (67 new since January 2, 2001 [47.9 wa7])
Number of links: 3080670 (11246 new since January 2, 2001 [8908.9 wa7])
Number of writeups: 438656 (427 new since January 2, 2001 [328.9 wa7])
Number of cools: 54170 (156 new since January 2, 2001 [148.1 wa7])
Number of votes: 1686770 (8751 new since January 2, 2001 [6440.3 wa7])
Number of hits: 27924994 (132346 new since January 2, 2001 [107404.2 wa7])

Node to user ratio: 35.216 nodes per user
Link to node ratio: 3.899 links per node
Link to user ratio: 137.321 links per user
Link to writeup ratio: 7.023 links per writeup
Votes to cools ratio: 31.138 votes per cool
Cools to user ratio: 2.415 cools per user
Hits to user ratio: 1244.762 hits per user

New Nodes: [I Am!] [Sorry, You Don't Have Permission to Right-Click] [Wheel of Fortune] [Mrs. Dickensheets] [Lost in the Stars] [Z'ha'dum] [How to approach a developer who may well be working and ask him a question] [violent solutions to technical problems] [University: A bad thing] [Gone Fishin'] [calculus] ['if you really loved me, you'd..'] [Pink Flamingos] [Useless, Annoying Characters] [The Seattle Monolith]

Users Online (57): [Pseudo_Intellectual] [Electricsound] [mat catastrophe] [N-Wing] [jessicapierce] [kenata] [tftv256] [kamamer] [bob the cow] [Kallen] [m_turner] [getzburg] [Tannor] [Citizen Aim] [proj2501] [Byzantine] [Cow Of Doom] [xunker] [Infinite Burn] [Kesper North] [Inyo] [Flip] [Mr.Sparkle] [Infinity] [Bantik] [PhysicsChic] [Aresds] [Leynos] [Impartial] [Miles_Dirac] [Bozyo] [barbie] [MrFurious] [Infinite Monkeys] [AmadeusTheKitten] [Sirius] [mikemoto] [fozzy] [Blinky] [deeahblita] [dirkg42] [joemaller] [Bane] [Emperor Roscoe] [PMDBoi] [forest] [chaos2] [Mr. Frog] [PUssyKat] [a small brown dog] [Romany] [Jobbydude] [katmaikni] [The__Girl] [MrTigger] [thelevitatedjt] [Halspal]

JeffMagnus node count: 4078 (4 new since January 2, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience: 10790 (105 more since January 2, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience to node ratio: 2.646 XP per node
JeffMagnus nodeshare: 0.517% (Via alternate method: 0.930%)
JeffMagnus node of the day: http://slashdot.msn.com/