Everything Snapshot

Time: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 00:19:41 GMT
Everything server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU mod_ssl/2.4.10 OpenSSL/0.9.4 mod_perl/1.21_03-dev

Number of nodes: 811445 (603 new since January 28, 2001 [840.8 wa7])
Number of users: 24626 (73 new since January 28, 2001 [87.2 wa7])
Number of links: 3380656 (9354 new since January 28, 2001 [13020.3 wa7])
Number of writeups: 449691 (303 new since January 28, 2001 [430.2 wa7])
Number of cools: 58902 (142 new since January 28, 2001 [175.7 wa7])
Number of votes: 1883875 (6452 new since January 28, 2001 [7262.9 wa7])
Number of hits: 31610078 (120443 new since January 28, 2001 [140515.8 wa7])

Node to user ratio: 32.951 nodes per user
Link to node ratio: 4.166 links per node
Link to user ratio: 137.280 links per user
Link to writeup ratio: 7.518 links per writeup
Votes to cools ratio: 31.983 votes per cool
Cools to user ratio: 2.392 cools per user
Hits to user ratio: 1283.606 hits per user

New Nodes: [outpostmir.sav] [cornflakes] [Hammam] [Food Fighters] [when you blow out like a dead star] [Alvin Toffler] [mint tea] [syringe attack] [air embolism] [dragon's blood is suprisingly warming] [Boy Scouts] [Blackwater] [Fourier transforms, Wigner distributions, and Wavelet transforms] ["move, and pretend you're still breathing"] [Everest Base Camp]

Users Online (59): [dem bones] [Tem42] [fondue] [Gamaliel] [mat catastrophe] [anotherone] [hramyaegr] [--OutpostMir--] [danlowlite] [m_turner] [neil] [ukyoCE] [Stride] [AlexZander] [ril] [bonnet] [Ater] [WonkoDSane] [Accipiter] [dwyn] [Geekachu] [Psk] [Metacognizant] [Pyro] [WyldWynd] [jt] [pfft] [iandunn] [rad] [barmaid] [Phssthpok] [Infinite Monkeys] [artemis entreri] [Dave!] [Broccolist] [eponymous] [Malicious Kitten] [Sirius] [MaskedBabbler] [Andukar] [MrKibble] [memebomb] [sid] [Fuzzadorio] [Sour] [erias] [thopkins] [cerberus] [umquam] [alienhuman] [Syntari] [nevalnin] [bwerdmuller] [cbond] [Peppermint] [sadam] [codecrafter] [Exodus] [Killio]

JeffMagnus node count: 4094 (1 new since January 28, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience: 11877 (-2 more since January 28, 2001)
JeffMagnus experience to node ratio: 2.901 XP per node
JeffMagnus nodeshare: 0.505% (Via alternate method: 0.911%)*
JeffMagnus node of the day: what will occur the day after Windows NT becomes open source

Note: The Everything Snapshot daylog will return as soon as I work out one that is more pleasant for members of the Everything Whino sect.