Today, I woke up at 7:00 am after roughly seven hours of sleep. I'm going to make progress, I swear to myself that I am.

My room is going to get clean... Dammit! I'm going to start with all the clothes. Clothes I don't wear anymore and don't want, I'm donating. Clothes I don't wear but want to keep because they mean something (FCA shirt, etc) I'm going to pack away. Jeans, and t-shirts, I will fold up in dresser drawers, and work/dress clothes I will hang in the closet along with jackets and bathrobes, etc.

I figure once the clothes are semi-permanently organized, the rest of my stuff will come together easier.

On an unrelated subject, May 22 of this year I got my first haircut since July 2002. My hair is short, and it is freaky. When I got out of the shower that first day, I put on my shirt and went to pull my ponytail out of the back of the shirt, and the ponytail wasn't there...

I'm used to it now, but I'm going to grow my hair long again, I think. I sort of just wanted to start over. When I grew it out the first time, I was 16 and much less ... experienced... compared to myself now. It's sort of like cutting the ties of my past, and growing new memories, or something, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, I've been away for a good while. How are you people?