Sallow grass crunches underneath my bare feet
Orange clouds beach themselves on a livid canopy
Tracing the sky with beckoning fingers

In a basin I witnessed the fate of all that was to be
Carpet knights unsheathed and laden with filth
Writhing in the lips of pathos they surged

Suffocating and strangling and gasping for air
This an aphrodisia's vicious circle was the heart
Engine of a beast so tremendous that my own feet
Touched the putrid permutations of it's rough follicles

The beast's breath blew warm sulfurous sickness over itself
A pallor came over me, their terminal passion did not abate

Sick, it rumbled and heaved throes of pain
Like a man struck with infection, swelling with unlanced poison
Running deep in its veins

I was witnessed the death of this great beast, terrible and beautiful
The golden pelt of a lion shred from its owner only to be thrown in the moat
Of human minds

I woke....

        the sound of birds singing in their sleep.