The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us to Choose Between Privacy and Freedom? 1999. A nonfiction book by David Brin. Brin considers what a free information society would be like, extrapolating the Big Brother concept of constant surveillance into a society that he thinks might be far freer than what we have now.

It's all very counterintuitive. I went into the book determined to disagree vehemently, and came out rather shaken. Now, even Brin says he's not completely convinced by his arguments, but this is social thinking at its best: extremely thought-provoking. Moreover, Brin is an excellent writer, so the book is a good read rather than inflated pontificating, mindless rambling, or Negropontesque digerati doublespeak.

Everythingites, who are involved in the creation of an information community, may have a particular interest in this book. Highly recommended.