Odo'ital (His full name - Cardassian for 'nothing'1) was the Security Chief on Deep Space Nine until he left to join the Great Link and teach them that all solids are not evil.

He was originally found adrift in the Denorious Belt in 2356 and was taken to Bajor (then occupied by the Cardassians) and given to Dr. Mora Pol at the Bajoran Institute for Science.

On March 19, 2371 (Stardate 48213.1) he discovered that he was one of "the hundred" sent out by The Founders to explore the galaxy.

He's a Shapeshifter played by Rene Auberjonois on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, my favorite Star Trek series.

1 I had thought it was Bajoran for 'unknown specimen', but rootbeer277 corrected me. Truth is, during the occupation, all specimens had to be labeled in Cardassian. The Bajorans labeled Odo 'unknown specimen' which was tranflated to 'odo'ital', the Cardassian word for 'nothing'.

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