Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. It is dedicated, primarily, to the plays of William Shakespeare although it also shows other works, especially in the winter season.

It's located in a rather nice spot down by the river Avon and is currently looking to redevelop to provide more modern accomodation.

There are two stages in the building. The main house is the focal point of most of the investment and where most of the tourists can be found. The second stage is the Swan Theatre and shows a more eccelectic mix of play although there's still, understandably, quite a focus on Shakespeare.

For the truly adventurous amongst the theatre-going crowd there's always The Other Place, Stratford-upon-Avon's third theatre. It still shows a lot of Shakespeare but in a much more innovative manner. Such experiments as walk-through are quite common here although they don't always pan out particularly well so don't go with your expectations too high