I was thinking about this last night and thought it was a valid question to ask and would be interested in people's opinions.

My initial feelings are yes. I say this even after considering the sheer horror of war. Watching friends die, Insane acts of brutality and unrestricted depravity must be the worst experience anyone can experience. A complete pillaging of the soul.

So how can I say all of that and say that war still has something that redeems it? I think partly because of these horrors. It is because war is so terrible, so efficient at tearing down the thin veneer of civilization that gives it one of its few redeeming features. It is at this point when others are succumbing to madness that some, in fact many, find in them a core of humanity. They have been striped to the bone of all that they thought they were and when they are there they find something that is still human and still good. Bravery, Dignity in the face of Indignity, Camaraderie, Honor, Sacrifice.

And it is in these incidents of battlefield greatness that we who have not gone thru such horrors we are reminded to value life and honor it. We are taught humilityfor the sacrifices of our Brothers and Sisters and our Mothers and Fathers.

I have an interest in Military history and every now and again I read or hear a story that makes me weep. And then I know why war sometimes happens and why we must always try to insure that it never does. For me the story of Chunuk Bair is of particular significance because I feel that it was the defining moment in New Zealand's Nationhood. Perhaps you know of others, I'd like to hear them.

Is any of what I have said mean war is justified? I think not. But I think sometimes we forget the lessons of war and that is when war becomes inevitable. But maybe that is the purpose of war: to remind us of what awaits us if we forget to be human. Maybe you disagree with me but I would like to hear that too.

Reply to Generosity

Heh actually in New Zealand we have one of the lowest rates of violent crime in the developed world. But I think you are on to something we have one of the most brutal games ever - Rugby - as our national sport.