It's one of those The world hates you, let's celebrate! days.

I got roused this morning to my dad wanting to use some box for something that I could care less about. I'm one of those people that can't fall asleep once I got up. I feel a cold coming on (I pray it's anthrax...)...My throat was all sore and nose all stuffy. I tool some Aleve cold & sinus meds ("Man that shit fucks you up like percoset!")...

Oh, oh oh. I forgot to mention why I couldn't particularly go back to sleep today. I woke up and was genuinely pissed off that I didn't have a girlfriend. It sounds shallow or something, but it is exactly what I want right now...I just want to be around someone who is nice and caring and shit for me all the time (wow that sounds selfish...oh fuck you)...its just what's missing right now...

So I got up and went on E2, only to start complusively reading nodes like how to pick up chicks and shit...what a loser thing to do...

I have a shitload of shit to do for school, two papers to write, and a physics test not to fail. I planned to go to the library and actually study, but after the morning, I wasn't particluarly in the mood. Then I got a call from a friend to come over and hang I re-arranged my schedule to do so.

I made it so that I could hang out for a bit, then head to the library...we hung out, did some whipits, bullshitted and whatnot, then they went off to go record shopping downtown, so I went to the library early.

I arrived at the all my shit together, then got out of the car, to find that some FUCKER hit my goddamn car. Now, I just got finished fixing this car from when some fucker in a truck decided to plow into me around a blind turn. It pissed me off. Since it was on the passenger-side fender, which I never look at normally, I couldn't tell when it happened. That could've been there for a week and I wouldn't have known.

So I go into the library, pissed off^2, and start to study. I get alot of shit done, and my mom comes around to check on me, and she noticed my car. She gets mad at me because I have no idea how/when it happened. She gets that "You can tell me, I won't be mad..." but I was already mad and pissed off that I didn't know how it happened. So she thinks I'm lying to her or some shit, and I'm just stewing because my car's dented up, I have no girlfriend, and it's fucking raining.

Library closed, and I went home. I fell asleep, probably due to the meds I took earlier, and I woke up somewhat refreshed. Life is still no better, but refreshed. Now I'm just pissy and I want this week to be over, yet it hasn't even started yet...