Noding is hard work

OK, my fifth day on E2, my first daylog. My first few writeups went well, a couple of acronyms, a couple of brief pieces of jargon... And then the wall.

I saw an entry that just begged for a much better writeup. So I started the writeup in a text editor, carefully checking each of my planned hardlinks and supporting concepts, only to find that almost none of them are noded yet. So now I'm noding those to avoid having nodeshells all over the place. And researching the softlinks as well, and failing to resist the temptation to add an entry or two to those as well, not to mention noding a supporting concept for one of those.

Not as easy as I thought at first, but great fun!

Thanks to Rancid Pickle and Demeter for their advice and help.

It's late, off to bed.