If you pay close attention to those old The Exploited t-shirts, they actually read, "PUNKS NOT DEAD". It isn't "Punk's not dead", it's "PUNKS NOT DEAD". Evidently, The Exploited were not as worried as the rest of the word is with putting apostrophes where they belong, or, verily, including them at all.

This really upsets me, as an intelligent, educated punk rock fan. Is it any wonder that punk as a movement never caught on? With bands like The Exploited, and fans of bands like The Exploited, proudly showcasing, and revelling in, their own ignorance, potential punk newcomers are reticent to give smart bands like Bad Religion or Dead Kennedys a chance.

The missing apostrophe perpetuates every stereotype and rash judgment ever levelled against punk rock and punk rockers, and that missing apostrophe makes me very happy that I do not own any of The Exploited's albums. I am sure I should rather hear "The Decline".