Disclaimer: The following node contains Occult information and/or rituals. It may be considered morally innappropriate and may even be illegal where you live. I do not neccessarily believe the following information to be factual, however it is believed so by Occultists and/or mythological texts. What you do with this information is your own choice, and if you choose to follow these ritual(s) and you hurt yourself, you do it at your own risk. You have been warned.

"Binding", in terms of the Occult, is blocking ones power. It can be used by either good or evil spellcasters, however is most commonly used by evil witches. Good spellcasters may bind someones power so that they cannot use it and hence cannot harm themselves or others. Evil spellcasters, on the other hand, would bind an enemy's power so that they could not trouble them any longer. In order to bind someone, the binder must have greater power, otherwise the target could, and would, fight the bind off.

To bind, all the caster required was a drawing, painting or picture of the target, and a length of lace. The caster simply wraps the lace around the drawing/painting/picture while chanting: "I bind thy power for (good or gain)." (replace with your reason. Ex. good - for preventing harm. gain - for preventing inconvenience to me.

An example of binding can be seen in the movie, "The Craft".