The cross-platform browser plugin that allows not only audio and visual data to be transmitted from a remote source, but also olfactory data. A smellovision unit is required, with HP, Canon and Epson leading the way in the development of this technology for home use. HP makes the robust model, Epson makes the hi-smell-res model, and Canon makes the cheap one.

The smellovision device plugs in to your USB-III port, and requires the installation of several drivers. The hardware is straightforward; it's a small ChemGen box, with nose tubes that plug into your nostrils, with adjustable smell levels. The only problem is the the ChemCartridges need to be refilled if you've been smelling a lot of stuff, and they're damn expensive.
If this seems ridiculous, it's for a reason. With so much visual and audio stress caused by television, radio, print and computer, people are losing touch with other senses. This is why we see a trend towards people craving unusually flavoured foods, and complex wines. The smellovision would get the computer closer to the synesthesia machine, and allow people to once again use their ignored and atrophying senses... but is that really a good thing?