No, it's not too late to send a photo, message me for details...
The NinjaGirls want to see your legs! Guys, gals and couples. It's all for a good cause: cancer charities, with an emphasis on breast cancer groups.
Yes, there's a new e2 calendar fermenting, and we need your help with the brew. I want to see your legs, and I want some wonderful pics. Dancing couples, leggy showgirl-types, cute toddlers in walkers. Post-surgery aches, and athletes showing their stuff. Make me laugh, cry or let out a looong, low wolf-whistle because you look so damn sexy in those shorts. Or that skirt. Or climbing that mountain. The view from the rear, if you wish!
And, yes, if you want to send a photo of a different, PG-rated body part because you don't want to show me a little leg...well, all great photos will be considered for the final line-up of twelve noder pics.
The time line is tight for a traditional, January to February calender, but we might give it a try with if enough great photos are received by November 10, 2010. If we end up with an academic or 18-month calendar, so be it. Send me a /msg for the top-secret gmail account where we are collecting the pics, and rest assured: your privacy will be protected on all submissions. You can have the photo cropped to remove your face. I won't be giving out any names or posting your pic at FaceBook.
Now, for practical matters: here's what we need if you are willing to contribute a leggy photo:
- Please send all photos in high resolution (no cell phone camera pics, don't compress for email, etc.)
- If you want to send a photo but only have a print, many stores that develop film have great scanning equipment. Often the scan is sharper than the original.
- We'll need a release statement from both the photographer and subject(s). No, you won't have to release your firstborn or send your bank account information; just give us permission to use your photo, without compensation, for e2 NinjaGirl cancer charity projects. And yes - you can make this a one-time-only release for the calendar. I'll email you the release when you contact me about sending a photo.
As Bartles and Jaymes would quip: Thank you for your support. Proceeds from the calendar sales will be sent to these wonderful charities:
Young Survivor's Coalition
Breast Cancer Prevention Fund
Metastatic Breast Cancer Network